the founder of Usui Reiki

Heal Your Soul,
Body and
Mind ...

Release, Relax, Unwind
Reiki (pronounced as ray-key) in Japanese means universal life energy which is the energy that is all around us. It is derived from two Japanese words 'rei' meaning "free passage" or "transcendental spirit" and 'ki' meaning "vital life force energy" or "universal life energy".
Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "Universal Life Energy" channelled through the practitioner to the recipient.
Reiki is a natural, holistic healing technique that uses a hands-on energy healing method to heal the soul, body and mind. Reiki can heal anything as it works at the fundamental level of reality. The only thing that limits Reiki treatment is the client’s attitude. If the client is unwilling to accept Reiki then he is creating a block for himself. Humans and animals besides the physical body have three other bodies. These invisible, non-physical bodies are made up of energy that consists of “Chi”, which controls and affects the physical body. Conventional medicine only treats the physical body. Reiki treats all four bodies.
Medical science deals with only the symptoms whereas Reiki not only heals the symptoms but also the root cause of the symptoms. Reiki operates in the energy structure that underlies the physical matter. Reiki works at a level where anything can be changed as in the energy structure everything can be changed. Therefore Reiki can heal both physical and emotional ailments. Reiki's healing energy has an intelligence that is beyond human consciousness and will move in the direction it is needed irrespective of the hand position. The only thing that seems to limit the healing energy of Reiki is the client's willingness to give up old habits and patterns and to accept change and healing.
Healing in Reiki is not just curing the physical symptoms and the root cause of the illness, but it also means returning the individual to a complete state of mental and physical well-being.
Reiki is a powerful and gentle healer
• Promotes natural self-healing
• Balances the energies in the body
• Balances the organs and glands
• Strengthens the immune system
• Treats symptoms and causes of illness
• Relieves or removes pain
• Reduces side effects of drug treatment following chemotherapy or surgery
• Clears toxins
• Relaxes and reduces stress
• Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
• Diminishes depression, anger, and anxiety; easing grief
• Heals holistically
• Aids meditation and positive thinking
• Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
• Enhances personal awareness
• Promotes creativity
Reiki will help restore the balance in the body and can relieve or remove symptoms.
Remember that you as an individual have to have the firm intention of getting well before any real healing can take place. (Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment, it should be used as a compliment and a way to become and remain healthy.)
Reiki treatment session
You relax, fully dressed, on a couch or seated while the healer holds his hands on or above you. A treatment can last an hour or longer depending on the treatment required. In the Western world, many practitioners use the standard hand positions and commonly a full treatment is given covering all the important organs of the body. There is no pressure on the body making it ideal for treating all ages and conditions, sometimes hands are even held away from the body.
Experience during a treatment
It differs from person to person and possibly also between different sessions. The energy flows wherever it is required (spiritually guided) and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience! Usually, when receiving Reiki you will feel very relaxed and you may have a "floating" feeling. You may feel the heat, tingling or cold under the practitioner's hands. These and other feelings come from what the Reiki energy is doing in and around your body i.e. adding energy, removing excess energy, balancing, removing blockages etc. It is also possible that you experience different emotions or thoughts you had forgotten might pop up. If they do you are probably supposed to learn something and release them. Some people receive insights on how to solve problems. Remember that all healing starts a process of release, this could be emotions or even toxins in your body that you need to get rid of. You might initially even feel worse than before but this is soon passing.
All energy work during the Reiki treatment needs to be supported by proper hydration. You will help your body by DRINKING PLENTY OF WATER after the session and also in the following couple of days. A good practice is to drink a glass of water before the session as well.
How many treatments should you have?
Every person and his/her problem is different. Some people only require one or two sessions while others need several. If you are just interested in seeing what Reiki can do for you then just take one or two sessions. If you have a chronic problem you want to work with then we will make a plan. Suggestion: Start with one session every 3 days for two weeks and then follow up with one session per week.
Remember, Reiki cannot hurt you! No promises can be made about the outcome of the use of Reiki (or any other healing system). It all depends on you, your intent, your background and the nature of your problem. Healing is a different experience and has different effects on every individual.
Information about Reiki Distance Healing is HERE
"I have known Oksana for almost two decades and used her services in Toronto while she lived there to help me with my health issues. She moved to Deep River three years ago, and I have not had any Reiki treatments since.
This year, I decided to visit her for two weeks to address my problems, knowing I was in good, trusted hands—and I'm glad I did! I had pain in my back and could not walk long distances like I used to (10km wasn't a problem for me at my age). After four Reiki treatments during my stay with Oksana, I felt rejuvenated, with no back pain, and I did my first 14km when I got back home. In addition to Reiki, Oksana offered me use of her infrared sauna, which I enjoyed after my Reiki treatments.
I recommend Oksana's services to everyone. She is a dedicated, responsible, and very positive person to be around. Oksana, if you were close, I would come once a month for treatments, because I believe this is how much one needs to maintain a healthy well-being.
Overall, I had a wonderful experience, in a great place, with delicious food.
Thank you, Oksana."
-Sviatlana K., Toronto
"This is my experience after two sessions of distance healing:
I was blessed to meet Oksana more than 7 years ago and had the opportunity to have a few sessions with her in person. She helped me a lot with my problems. Although she lives far away now, I am glad I still have the opportunity to receive distance healing from her. More so, I don't see any difference, and I am very thankful to Oksana for helping me take care of myself and become calmer. I feel connected to the healing energy that Oksana sends me. The first session was very intense, I was experiencing very strong headaches that I felt move down to my chest during the session. I began wanting to breathe deeper more and more. The pain then moved to my stomach, then to my legs and it stayed there for quite some time. Suddenly, I started crying, some fears of mine surfaced of a guy that I wanted to run away from, but I struggled with myself, saying "No, don't run, you are strong, push him away". I was not sleeping but not awake either. I had interesting feelings and a great experience. I came out like a different person. One hour after the session, I continued to struggle with my fears, and I won. I became stronger and more relaxed. The second session was calmer. I felt the energy going through my body down to my legs again and it stayed there, unable to flow out further. I fell asleep and I woke up with a strong headache. I realized I would have to work on improving my health to relieve all the bad from my body and mind, and that I would need to come to Oksana for another session. She is the one who can truly help anyone who needs it as long as you believe in what she is doing and in the energy and connection to the Universe. She is what we call “from God”, that is my understanding.
With respect and love,
- Liliya. Kitchener"
My comment:" All energy work during the Reiki treatment needs to be supported by proper hydration, especially during the Distance Healing. There are a few reasons why you have a headache after the session. One of them is dehydration of the body. You will help your body integrate received energies by drinking a lot of water after the treatment and also in the following couple of days. Don't forget to drink a glass of water right before the session as well. Keep the water bottle aside in case a headache starts during the session."
"Reiki with Oksana
As I lay on the Reiki table, Oksana had her hot hands on my head. I followed the music with my breath and settled into a vision. First, Cleopatra came to me. She was so majestic. She had the headpiece and the wings of Isis. We chatted about plant medicine and the fact that she speaks 9 languages, which is very impressive. Next, Isis herself came. Wow. I adore her. She often comes to me when I’m doing healing work with someone myself. It was awesome to have these two powerful women visit and chat with me like old friends.
As Oksana moved her hands, I asked Isis to stay for the healing. She told me that I am Isis and that I have all the healing abilities within. Wow! I remember a time when I was told that I was imbued with Isis.
Next, Oksana moved to my third eye, where I was gifted with a diamond-shaped clear crystal, it was beautiful; all the facets refracting the colour. Lying there, I became a hollow bone. As the wind whipped through, I received a message for myself and you: Love heals all things.
Onto the heart chakra, I saw a heart and three tea roses: pink, yellow, and white. They were perfect.
All the while, I must add, the Archangels Raphael and Gabriel were holding my feet cupped in their hands. I could physically feel them.
As Oksana finished our amazing session, I felt the helping/healing Spirits recede.
What an amazing session with an amazing healer.
Thank you Oksana for facilitating this powerful Reiki treatment."
- Val B., Deep River
"I have attended Reiki sessions with Oksana. I was feeling tired and drained. After my treatment, I slept better than ever and woke up the next day feeling energized. Oksana's treatments always leave me feeling strong. I feel a sense of calm and peace when I am with her. Regular visits are a must!
Oksana delivers professional services and pays close attention to detail. She is kind and thoughtful and cares about the well-being and overall health of her clients.
I highly recommend this service."
-Susan P., Deep River
"It is wonderful to have a certified Reiki Master/Practitioner here in the valley, welcome.
I had felt off not being in touch with myself as I would like to be; to be more open to things around me.
I heard about what you do and how Reiki works and thought I would give it a try.
I had three beautiful sessions with Oksana and feel much lighter, things are just clearer..."
-Isabella M., Deep River
"It was an interesting, positive experience for sure during my reiki sessions with Oksana.
I happen to have some disorder in my organism: the level of prolactin hormone was always times higher than it has to be and I was treated by an endocrinologist for a few years with medication to lower my prolactin in my blood. Oksana encouraged me to come to her for treatments and probably will see some positive results without medication. I agreed and proceeded with a few sessions. After a few months, I had an appointment with my doctor and prior to it did my blood test for prolactin. During this appointment, the doctor was surprised “Oh, Irina your prolactin level went down almost to normal. The cure has happened!”. Later I was thinking about it and realized it’s probably reiki treatments that helped me. I truly believe it now. As well, I felt more relaxed and renewed after the sessions. My stress level reduced significantly, as I was having a hard time dealing with my divorce issues. I’d really bring my son to these sessions but he’s very shy to go and do it. Pity.
But overall Thanks so much Oksana, I really appreciate you for your time and effort. I wish you to achieve more in this direction!
With love,"
-Irina P., Etobicoke
"I only came one time for healing when I had a tough pain in my neck. After that, I really felt my pain had gone & and I could move my neck easily to each side. I positively believe that the energy you sent through your hands to my neck was very very helpful.
thank you"
-Fariba A., Etobicoke
"My healing sessions with Oksana have been a wonderful experience. During the treatment, I was very relaxed and calm. I felt a lot of heat in certain areas that were worked on, and sometimes I felt a vibration or buzz of energy or current. After the treatments, I always felt at peace and very light. I have had a total of 9 healing sessions, which I found were very beneficial and helped me with my medical condition which could not be otherwise resolved by medical doctors. Oksana is a very dedicated and caring healing practitioner whom I highly recommend."
-Marta W., North York
"Oksana, my dear I had the vision of a clear, straight path guarded by green trees when you kept your hands above my head and heart like I needed this connection. On my heart chakra, the image was so peaceful, and beautiful: I had the vision of a pond full of lotus flowers. When I try to associate the colours of the chakras with the place you hold your hands on it's not working.
I can't explain how those images appear. They just show up without me doing anything.
I think they symbolize a message from above. I feel protected and it's so wonderful that I could say that I never encountered such a feeling before. So, if I would associate them knowing that, then I could say that the last session meant that everything it's going to be all right even in my present situation.
My whole being is in harmony! I'm at peace, I have confidence in what's going to happen.
I'm so glad that I found you and that I could discover the magic effect of quantum and reiki healing.
Peace and light"
-Adriana, Toronto
"The first session was a pleasant experience, I was feeling an intense heat coming from your hands and my mind became very relaxed. I started to see myself running in the forest and I can't remember when I was thinking about this in the past years when I was young, I liked to be out in the forest a lot, running or walking. At the same time, my breathing got better, I have asthma, aggravated by stress. At the end of the session I was feeling very calm (usually I'm a little too agitated), happy and full of energy. The next days this feeling persisted and I was sleeping very well (usually I wake up a minimum of 2 times a night).
The second session came after a very stressful week, I was agitated, lacking sleep and tired. The heat coming from your hands was very intense and I felt like electricity flowing through my body, sometimes I felt like my legs were flying. My breathing calmed down and it was much easier for me to breathe. At the end of the session, I was feeling very relaxed, calm and happy. My energy was improving and after a very good sleep the next day I was again full of energy, calm and happy.
Overall the sessions improved my energy, calmed me down and relaxed me. I am able to go over things that usually agitate me with calm and help me to find solutions faster. My sleep has improved and my breathing has also. Thank you."
-Gabi B., Oakville
"We came to this Earth with a purpose to fullfill...
Mine is to return people to the natural state of wellbeing... Bring Peace, Harmony and Love into their lifes!"
The Five Reiki Principles
by Dr. Usui
Just for today:
I will not worry.
I will not be angry.
I will do my work honestly.
I will give thanks for my many blessings.
I will be kind to every living thing.